Sylvie Naar's Healthy Choices Intervention Published in JAMA

Dr. Naar et al. (2020), had their research published in the JAMA Network entitled “Comparative Effectiveness of Community-Based vs Clinic-Based Healthy Choices Motivational Intervention to Improve Health Behaviors Among Youth Living With HIV: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” The focus of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Healthy Choices intervention in a home or community setting versus a medical clinic.


Farewell to Samantha Nagy

The end of another work week is here and this one comes with some sadness as we say goodbye to one of our own CTBS family, Samantha Nagy. Samantha has been a vital member of CTBS as a project coordinator and data analyst and has always gone above and beyond her role to fulfil the mission of CTBScience. During her time at the center, she has contributed to projects aimed at examining healthcare workers’ trauma exposure and sleep disturbance, managing Dr.


Dr. Julia Sheffler and Celina Meyers FSU Honors Program

Dr. Julia Sheffler and Celina Meyers were featured on the FSU Honors Program Page to highlight the collaboration that takes place here at CTBS as part of Celina’s matriculation as a Psychology major here at FSU! Dr. Sheffler is serving as a mentor to Celina as she completes her thesis on “Buffering the Effects of Early Adverse Experiences on Executive Function.” Celina and Dr. Sheffler both share a passion for childhood adversity and the lasting impacts it has and it is the foundation of their academic relationship.


CTBScience Statement

The mission of the Center for Translational Behavioral Science at Florida State University is to promote public health and health equity using a sustainable team science approach for the development and wide spread implementation of meaningful interventions through a continuous cycle of interaction between basic behavioral and biomedical scientists, translational researchers, treatment providers, and the communities we Serve.


Dr. Scott Pickett Receives FSU Equipment and Infrastructure Enhancement Grant!

Dr. Scott Pickett, a core faculty member at CTBScience, was recently awarded the Equipment and Infrastructure Enhancement Grant (EIEG) from the FSU Council on Research and Creativity for his proposal, "The Development of a Sleep Laboratory to Increase Collaboration and Research Funding through the Acquisition of Sleep Assessment Equipment." This award will allow Dr.


CTBScience at Instilling Hope 2020

CTBScience hosted a table at the 2020 Instilling Hope Conference at the Florida State University Turnbull Conference Center on March 11, 2020. CTBScience used this opportunity to participate in the trauma and resiliency focused event to nurture partnerships with other agencies and community partners, and to highlight ongoing research. Samantha Nagy, MS, also was a presenter at the conference, highlighting Dr. Scott Pickett and the STEP Research Program's SOLAR implementation, a trauma focused intervention aimed at assisting those in the community impacted by Hurricane Michael.
