Psychotherapy SPECIAL Issue: HIV and Psychotherapy

Online Ahead of Print: Dr. Ennis’ manuscript “Therapeutic writing as a tool to facilitate therapeutic process in the context of living with HIV: A case study examining partner loss,” has been accepted for publication in a special edition on HIV and Psychotherapy in the APA Journal Psychotherapy. This work presented a unique opportunity to delve into therapeutic writing as an adjunct process tool using a single case study design. For people with HIV/AIDS (PWHA), partner loss has unique factors that complicate the grieving process and can lead to prolonged bereavement.


CTBScience Collaboration

Scott Pickett, faculty at the CTBScience, is collaborating with faculty in Biomedical Science (Gregg Stanwood) and Art Education (Therese Van Lith) to develop and test a Mindfulness-based Art Therapy protocol. The psychological and biobehavioral effectiveness of the protocol for the reduction of stress and anxiety will be examined.
Image credit: Scott Pickett, faculty at CTBScience


CTBScience student presents at President's Showcase

Dr. Sheffler's undergraduate research assistant, Celina Meyer, presented her research at the 2019 President's Showcase. Celina presented her research on Adverse Childhood Experiences and its effects on emotion regulation and executive functioning in adulthood. Celina's research was supported by an IDEA grant awarded by FSU's Center for undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement.


Three researchers win ISL Planning Grants for 2019

Dr. Julia Sheffler and three other FSU faculty have been awarded ISL Planning Grants from the Institute for Successful Longevity. Dr. Sheffler's project aims to translate findings on ketogenic diet and Alzheimer's disease into a new behavioral intervention to prevent Alzheimer's using the NIH ORBIT model for early phase translational behavioral studies. Dr. Sheffler will work with co-PI Greg Hajcak, Ph.D., of the departments of Biomedical Sciences, Neuroscience, and Psychology.


2019 Garnet and gold society idea grant

Julia Sheffler’s Honor’s student and one of the CTBScience DIS students, Celina Meyer, was awarded the 2019 Garnet and Gold Scholar Society IDEA Grant for $4,000 for her project: “The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Stability on the Development of Emotional Regulation in Adulthood.”

This is a prestigious award that funds an independent 8-12 week project that will be presented at the President’s Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence in the fall.


FSU Translational Health Research Seed Grant Program: Team Science for Translational Research

Julia Sheffler was awarded an FSU Translational Health Research Seed Grant for her project, “Early phase feasibility trial: Examining the effects of diet on genetic and psychosocial risks for Alzheimer’s disease.” These competitive awards are part of FSU’s commitment to growing translational research through its partnership with the University of Florida and the UF-FSU Clinical and Translational Science Award, funded by NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
