CTBS Director Sylvie Naar receives NIH grant to further research in early-stage behavioral interventions to prevent premature deaths
“An estimated 40% of premature deaths are attributable to preventable behavioral factors such as smoking, alcohol use, sexual risk, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle, which have been linked to chronic illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes,” said Naar, a distinguished and endowed professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine at FSU’s College of Medicine.
STEP Director and Associate Professor Dr. Scott Pickett part of a team of FSU researchers awarded NSF grant to transform libraries into ‘Rural Resiliency Hubs’
The increasing frequency of natural catastrophes and their uneven impact on vulnerable populations calls for the development of disaster Resiliency Hubs. Now, through a grant from the National Science Foundation, a multidisciplinary team of Florida State University researchers is looking to utilize a commonly underrecognized space in disaster response: public libraries.
CTBScience Investigators to lead multi-site collaboration to study HIV and Alcohol Use among Florida's Young Adult Population with $6.5 million NIH grant
Congratulations to Dr. Naar and her esteemed colleagues on their recently awarded P01 Grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), for their project titled "Innovations in translational behavioral science to improve self-management of alcohol and HIV in adolescents and emerging adults".
CTBScience Affiliated Faculty Member, Laura Reid-Marks, PhD, Awarded Prestigious McKnight Junior Faculty Fellowship!
Laura Reid-Marks, a CTBScience Affiliated Faculty member, mentee to Dr. Sylvie Naar (CTBScience Director), and KL2 recipient from the FSU K Scholars Program, has been awarded the prestigious McKnight Junior Faculty Fellowship!!
Community Rounds Event: Behavioral & Social Aspects of Vaccine Hesitancy - Community Challenges and Successes.
The Florida State University College of Medicine's Department of Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine is hosting the first in a new series of Community Rounds. Community Rounds are open to the public and registration is encouraged, but not required to attend. The first Community Rounds event will include CTBScience's own Dr. Meardith Pooler-Burgess, and will discuss the Behavioral & Social Aspects of Vaccine Hesitancy, and explore the challenges and successes seen in other communities.
Community Rounds Event: Behavioral & Social Aspects of Vaccine Hesitancy - Community Challenges and Successes
The Florida State University College of Medicine's Department of Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine is hosting the first in a new series of Community Rounds. Community Rounds are open to the public and registration is encouraged, but not required to attend. The first Community Rounds event will include CTBScience's own Dr.
Congratulations to Dr. Julia Sheffler on her UF KL2 Scholar Award!
Dr. Sheffler's work has been featured on the US. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Leading Innovation & Collaboration (CLIC) website as part of their Alzheimer's and brain awareness campaign. Dr. Sheffler's project researches how psychotherapeutic strategies can improve adherence to nutrition and lifestyle interventions for individuals at increased risk for Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Her current pilot study focuses on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral strategies to promote adherence to Mediterranean ketogenic nutrition.