The CTBScience Community Engagement Core (CTBS-CEC) was designed to serve as a hub of knowledge and resources on community engagement approaches in basic human subject and clinical trial research. CTBS-CEC aims to assist investigators by providing access to community engagement research resources and consultation on engagement methodology. . The CTBS-CEC provides consultation on engagement methodology. Currently, Dr. Meardith Pooler-Burgess leads the core with the support of the CTBS program manager, Brenda Echeverri.
The following are strategies and tools used by different research programs within CTBS. More details on each initiative may be found by clicking each header.
Research Projects
R01 | Transforming Health Equity Research in Integrated Primary Care: Developing New Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities
This project aims to transform health equity research in integrated primary
care and provide a foundational community-engaged process model for
developing an evidence base in anti-racism policies and practices within
other systems and against other marginalized groups.
CEC Publications and References
As part of the CTBS-CEC goals, this section will provide recent publications and work that is noteworthy for the work being conducted at the Center and from other authors concerning community engagement research.
CTBS Publications
Research Articles
More coming soon.
Noteworthy References
Research Articles
Lett, E., Adekunle, D., McMurray, P., Asabor, E. N., Irie, W., Simon, M. A., Hardeman, R., & McLemore, M. R. (2022). Health Equity Tourism: Ravaging the Justice Landscape. Journal of medical systems, 46(3), 17.
Consultation Services
Community Engagement Research Consultation
Dr. Meardith Pooler-Burgess co-leads the community engagement team for the transformative health justice collaborative project, “Transformative R01”. Through this project she is currently utilizing the National Academy of Medicine’s “Assessing Meaningful Community Engagement Model". Dr. Pooler-Burgess has extensive experience working collaboratively with minority community members, advisory boards, state and local health systems and community-based organizations. She may be consulted for community engagement strategies and approaches and community health initiatives.
For more information about research and community engagement, you may email Dr. Meardith Pooler-Burgess at
Brenda Echeverri serves as liaison to the FSU Network for Clinical Research, Training, and Community Engagement (NCRT-CE). For more information about community engagement resources within CTBS or at FSU, or if you would like to volunteer as an advisor for the CTBS-CEC, you may email Brenda Echeverri at