Protocol Number: ATN146
Title of Study: Tailored Motivational Interviewing Implementation Intervention Effectiveness Trial in Multidisciplinary Adolescent HIV Care Settings
Project Lead: Sylvie Naar
Intervention Description: Coded recordings of patient-provider interactions and standard patient development (pilot study); Qualitative interviews with providers and key stakeholders. Development of the iTEAM, adapt intervention based on exploration phase. Face-to-face workshop followed by trigger-based coaching using item response theory developed coding tool; ongoing adaptation by iTEAM to promote adherence. Communities of practice, internal facilitation.
Study Sites: Baltimore, Birmingham, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Memphis, Miami, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Diego, Tampa, Washington DC
Publication Based on the Study: Naar-King, S., & Suarez, M. (2011). Motivational interviewing with adolescents and young adults. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Objectives: Expanding the self-management model to prevention and the management of a chronic disease among youth.
Study Design: Baseline period then randomization in 5 clusters every 2 months (Months 7-19); 12 month implementation period (Months 11-34); Clusters re-randomized to 12 months of internal facilitator+CoP or CoP alone after 1 year (Months 23-35); Follow-up period (Months 23-42).
Number of Subjects: 150
Criteria for Inclusion: Sites are eligibile if they provide multidisciplinary adolescent HIV care in a one-stop shopping model to an average of 100 patients per site. Sites must have a minimum of 10 staff who have regular contact for youth for either HIV care or prevention services.
Outcomes: TMI Primary Outcomes Infographic