Protocol Number: ATN145

Title of Study: Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Clinic-Based Delivery of an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for YMSM

Project Lead: Tyrel Sparks

Intervention Description: 4 sessions delivered either in the clinic or by phone that integrate motivational interviewing (MI), personalized feedback, and problem-solving skills to reduce condomless anal sex and substance use. Serves young men with negative HIV serostatus.

Study Sites: Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia

Publication Based on the Study: Parsons, J. T., Lelutiu-Weinberger, C., Botsko, M., & Golub, S. A. (2014). A randomized controlled trial utilizing motivational interviewing to reduce HIV risk and drug use in young gay and bisexual men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology82(1), 9. Retrieved from articles/PMC3935799

Objectives: Designed to test a brief Motivational Interviewing (MI) intervention to reduce both risky sex and drug use among HIV-negative YGBM.

Study Design: Immediate post-test assessment (IP), 3-month assessment, 6-month assessment, 9-month assessment, and 12-month assessment

Number of Subjects: 270

Criteria for Inclusion: Non-treatment seeking HIV-negative YMSM (ages 15-24)

Results Coming Soon!