Nicole Ennis, PhD

Nicole Ennis
Associate Professor and BSSM Vice Chair, Ennis Lab Director
Dept. of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, FSU College of Medicine

Dr. Nicole Ennis is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine at the Florida State University College of Medicine and is the Director of the intervention Research Advancing Care Equity Lab (iRACE), and Faculty at the FSU Center for Translational Behavioral Science. She is also Affiliate Faculty in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Florida. Dr. Ennis' research focuses on health outcomes in people living with HIV and implementing evidence-based intervention in-clinic settings.

Dr. Ennis received her Bachelors Degree from Penn State University, her Master's and PhD in Clinical Psychology from Kent State University, and Fellowship at the University of Miami. She has held many positions and honors throughout her academic career, in addition to receiving the NIH K23 award to examine the feasibility of SBIRT in older underserved HIV+ adults in the primary care setting.

Research Interests

HIV, substance use, dissemination and implementation science, and evidence-based behavioral interventions (EBBI)